The multiform project, which has been presented in various formats throughout Central Europe and the United States, stems from her conversations and interviews with people in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland about their lives before and after communism. The Voices From the Center website is a unique, interactive piece that includes interviews, photographs, music, artwork and other material that gives the audience an in-depth experience of the many different facets of the period before and after the Cold War.
YoYoMagazine publishes art, narrative, and poetry. They are unique in that their structure is inherently conversational; beginning with excerpts of a conversation amongst the editors, they then ask for contributions that extend their interpretations on the theme. They think of the first issue as the initial iteration: the Yo. The entire first issue becomes a call to all readers for responses. If readers think that their work is in conversation with their theme, send it to them. They may include it in their second iteration, which publishes selected responses to the first issue and comprises the second Yo in YoYo.